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For teachers of English: 15 Steps to Effectively Prepare to Pass TKT*


*Cambridge English TKT is a test about teaching English to speakers of other languages. It aims to increase teachers' confidence and enhance job prospects by focusing on the core teaching knowledge needed by teachers of primary, secondary or adult learner.

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Before the exam:


1. TKT glossary: read the TKT terms and look for their practical application. Remember that TKT is designed to test whether you know the terms and if you are able to distinguish them in the context.

2. Cambridg English The TKT Course: a great resource to read, practise, pair or group, and discuss. Read it as many times as it is possible

3. Group discussion: nobody reaches his or her full potential in isolation. We best learn by doing or teaching others. That's why we strongly recommend to join a group or community with shared aims and values to effectively prepare for TKT.

4. Practice tests: you will find lots of them in the course book and online. Do, self-check, reflect, do, self-check, reflect. Repeat

5. Follow up activities from the TKT course book: will definitely reinforce your knowledge and get you to contemplate over the things you have never earlier thought of.

6. Be proactive or initiative. Make sure you benefit from the skills you develop on the preparation course and put it into practice while teaching.

7. Be focused: remember your goal to succeed and make it a difference. Do not let small minds crash your big dream.

8. Do not invent: taking TKT exam is not the best place for imagination or creative thinking. Here they want you to be precise and reasonable; do not invent a bicycle.

9. Plan your time and self-management: once you decide to score at exam, make it your priority and budget regular time on the course preparation.

10. Seek first to understand and then to be understood.

During the exam:

11. Read the instructions carefully: there is a big chance to fail unless you understand the test instructions. Be careful.

12. Think what terms they are testing you on. Look for hidden terms from TKT glossary or their parallel expressions.

13. First do the easy part and skip the most difficult.

14. In the difficult part try exclusion strategy.

15. Budget 20 - 25 minutes before the end to copy and double check.

To learn more practicals tips and gain the quality outcomes, apply for the TKT exam preparation course at SARGOI International


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