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It's November 13th and it's Kindness Day

It's November 13th and it's Kindness Day

  • Початок: Середа, 13 листопада 2024 12:00 AM
  • Кінець: Середа, 13 листопада 2024 12:00 AM

Опис події

13 листопада. Всесвітній день доброти

Всесвітній день доброти - це міжнародне свято, засноване в 1998 році з метою пропаганди доброти в усьому світі. Хочеться вірити, що цього дня кожна людина стане добрішою до себе і навколишнього світу. Сьогодні варто зробити добру справу та зосередитися на позитиві.

Слово дня: “ВСІХ БЛАГ" -  побажання всього найкращого.

Щастя, миру, добра та всіх благ бажають колеги сьогоднішньому імениннику.

The word of the day: benevolence (noun)/bɪˈnɛvələns/

Meaning: the disposition to do good, showing kindness and goodwill toward others, often by providing assistance or support.

Example: Acts of benevolence can make a significant positive impact on individuals and communities.

Your MINI-TASK is to do the quiz.

Kindness Day Quiz

  1. Which organization initiated World Kindness Day, a global observance of kindness celebrated on November 13th?
    a) United Nations
    b) World Health Organization (WHO)
    c) UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
    d) World Kindness Movement

  2. What is the primary goal of Kindness Day?
    a) To promote random acts of rudeness
    b) To encourage people to be intentionally kind to one another
    c) To discourage social interactions
    d) To celebrate selfishness

  3. Kindness can be expressed in various ways. Which of the following is an example of a simple act of kindness?
    a) Ignoring someone in need
    b) Criticizing others
    c) Offering a helping hand
    d) Spreading rumors

  4. The famous saying, "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted," is attributed to whom?
    a) Mahatma Gandhi
    b) Mother Teresa
    c) Martin Luther King Jr.
    d) Aesop

  5. Kindness is often linked to empathy. What is empathy?
    a) The ability to understand and share the feelings of others
    b) A state of confusion
    c) A form of arrogance
    d) A lack of emotional intelligence

  6. What is the "Butterfly Effect" in the context of kindness?
    a) The impact of kindness spreading like wildfire
    b) The notion that small acts of kindness can have far-reaching consequences
    c) A type of social experiment
    d) The idea that kindness is only for certain individuals

  7. Which ancient philosopher said, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle"?
    a) Aristotle
    b) Socrates
    c) Plato
    d) Marcus Aurelius

  8. What is the name of the international symbol of kindness, often represented by a yellow smiley face?
    a) Kindheart
    b) Sunshine Emoji
    c) Smile Mark
    d) The Kindness Smile

  9. What is the term for the scientific study of kindness and its effects on well-being?
    a) Cynology
    b) Kindology
    c) Ethnology
    d) Anthropology

  10. In Japan, there is a concept called "Komorebi," which is related to kindness. What does it refer to?
    a) The sound of rustling leaves
    b) The taste of fresh rain
    c) The scent of blooming flowers
    d) The feeling of sunshine filtering through leaves
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