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It's June 7th: Caring Day

It's June 7th: Caring Day

  • Початок: П'ятниця, 07 червня 2024 12:00 AM
  • Кінець: П'ятниця, 07 червня 2024 12:00 AM

Опис події

7 червня. Всесвітній день турботи

Всесвітній день турботи - це чудова можливість для кожного з нас попрактикуватися в турботі, яка зараз потрібна як ніколи. Проведіть час зі своїми друзями та родиною, послухайте їх і розкажіть щось про себе. Проста душевна розмова може творити чудеса.

Слово дня: “ПІКЛУВАТИСЯ" -  виявляти увагу, турботу про потреби кого-, чого-небудь.

Вона завжди піклувалася про добробут своїх близьких і забезпечувала їм любов та підтримку.

The word of the day: compassionate (adjective)/kəmˈpæʃ.ən.ət/

Meaning: feeling or showing sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others, and wanting to help them

Example:He was a wonderful listener and a deeply compassionate man.

Your MINI-TASK is to look through the care related idioms and write sentences with them.

a package or parcel containing food, clothing, or other items sent to someone who lives or is spending time away from home, such as a college student, a child in summer camps, or a person living abroad.

Meaning: a package or parcel containing food, clothing, or other items sent to someone who lives or is spending time away from home, such as a college student, a child in summer camps, or a person living abroad.
Example: The treats my mom sent in her care packages really helped me get through my first year studying in Italy

to be struggling with an immense or particularly worrisome difficulty or responsibility.

Meaning: to be struggling with an immense or particularly worrisome difficulty or responsibility.
Example: Have you seen Mike lately? It looks like he has the cares of the world on his shoulders.

having no concerns or worries.

Meaning: having no concerns or worries.
Example: I constantly feel stressed, and then there's my sister, who skips through life without a care in the world.


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SARGOI International Community
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+38(050) 296-36-37

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