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It's October 25th: Artist Day

It's October 25th: Artist Day

  • Початок: Середа, 25 жовтня 2023 12:00 AM
  • Кінець: Середа, 25 жовтня 2023 12:00 AM

Опис події

25 жовтня. Міжнародний день художника

Міжнародний день художника, свято, яке призначене для вшанування та визнання творчих зусиль художників у всьому світі. Цей день є гарною нагодою для підтримки митців та їхнього мистецтва. Сьогодні можна відвідати мистецькі виставки, музеї, галереї й насолодитися красою, яку створили художники.

Слово дня: “ПОЛОТНО” -  картина художника (на тканині).

На стіні великої кімнати висіло чудове полотно, на якому зображено мальовничий пейзаж з відкритою поляною та квітучими соняшниками.

The word of the day: masterpiece (noun)

Meaning:a work of art such as a painting, film, or book that is made with great skill.

Example:The painting "Starry Night" is considered Vincent van Gogh's masterpiece.

Your MINI-TASK is to look through the art related idioms and write sentences with them.

to suggest that artists often express their emotions openly and visibly through their art

Meaning: to suggest that artists often express their emotions openly and visibly through their art.
Example: Her paintings are so emotional; she really wears her heart on her sleeve.

to describe something as exceptionally beautiful or well-crafted, often unrelated to visual art

Meaning: to describe something as exceptionally beautiful or well-crafted, often unrelated to visual art.
Example: The way she prepared that meal was a true work of art.

to do something in a non-traditional or unconventional way.

Meaning: to do something in a non-traditional or unconventional way.
Example: The artist’s unique style shows that she likes to colour outside the lines and be creative.


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