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It's October 22nd: Stammering Awareness Day

It's October 22nd: Stammering Awareness Day

  • Початок: Неділя, 22 жовтня 2023 12:00 AM
  • Кінець: Неділя, 22 жовтня 2023 12:00 AM

Опис події

22 жовтня. Міжнародний день поширення інформації про заїкання

Заїкання - це мовний розлад, який виражається у повторенні звуків, слів або фраз, а також у блокуванні або затримці під час мовлення. Цей розлад може суттєво впливати на якість життя та комунікацію осіб, які стикаються з ним. Міжнародний день поширення інформації про заїкання пропагує толерантність, підтримку та розуміння тих людей, хто має цей розлад.

Слово дня: “ДУЖИЙ” -   фізично здорова людина.

Цей дужий чоловік завжди готовий допомогти.

The word of the day: stammer (verb)

Meaning: to speak with involuntary pauses and repetitions of sounds, syllables, or words, often due to a speech disorder.

Example:Many people who stammer look for speech therapy to improve their communication skills.

Your MINI-TASK is to do the quiz.

Stammering Awareness Day Quiz

  1. Stammering Awareness Day is observed on what date each year?
    a) October 20
    b) November 17
    c) October 22
    d) December 10
  2. Stammering, also known as stuttering, is a speech disorder characterized by what?
    a) Frequent pauses in speech
    b) Difficulty in pronouncing certain letters
    c) Difficulty in swallowing
    d) Loud and clear speech
  3. What international organization actively promotes Stammering Awareness Day to reduce stigma and support individuals who stammer?
    a) World Health Organization (WHO)
    b) American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
    c) International Stuttering Association (ISA)
    d) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
  4. What is the theme of Stammering Awareness Day for 2023?
    a) "Breaking the Silence"
    b) "Understanding Stuttering"
    c) "Speak with Confidence"
    d) "End Stigma, Empower Voices"
  5. Who is the famous British actor and producer who has spoken openly about his experience with stammering and supported stammering awareness efforts?
    a) Johnny Depp
    b) Daniel Radcliffe
    c) Tom Hanks
    d) Benedict Cumberbatch
  6. Stammering affects people of all ages, but it often begins in which stage of life?
    a) Infancy
    b) Childhood
    c) Adolescence
    d) Adulthood
  7. Which famous King of England was known to have had a stammer, as depicted in the film "The King's Speech"?
    a) King George III
    b) King Richard the Lionheart
    c) King Henry VIII
    d) King William the Conqueror
  8. What is the term for therapy that helps individuals who stammer improve their fluency and confidence in speaking?
    a) Speech decryption
    b) Speech encryption
    c) Speech therapy
    d) Speech exclusion
  9. Stammering Awareness Day aims to do what for people who stammer?
    a) Cure their stammer
    b) Raise awareness and reduce stigma
    c) Encourage them to remain silent
    d) Isolate them from society

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