It’s February 12th: Marriage Day
- Початок: Неділя, 12 лютого 2023 12:00 AM
- Кінець: Неділя, 12 лютого 2023 12:00 AM
Опис події
12 лютого. Всесвітній день шлюбу
Офіційно Всесвітній день шлюбу започатковано в 1983 році в Сполучених Штатах Америки. Цей день вшановує вірність та відданість чоловіка та дружини. Зараз є багато різноманітних варіацій укладання шлюбу, але більшість пар віддають перевагу традиційним церемоніям.
Слово дня: “ОДРУЖУВАТИСЯ” - брати шлюб.
В Україні можна одружуватися з 18 років.
The word of the day: engagement (noun)
Meaning: an agreement to marry someone.
Example: They announced their engagement at the party on Saturday.
- Look through the phrases connected with marriage
- Choose 2 you like best
- Come up with sentences
- To pop the question
Meaning: informal expression which means to ask someone to marry you.
Example: So I heard Jacob bought an engagement ring. Do you have any idea when he’s going to pop the question? - To tie the knot
Meaning: to get married.
Example: Call me old-fashioned, but I believe you shouldn’t live with your partner until you’ve tied the knot. - To walk down the aisle
Meaning: it’s an another common expression meaning “to get married.” In many traditional wedding ceremonies, the bride and groom walk down the center aisle of a church before taking their vows.
Example: In some countries, fewer and fewer people are getting married. The thought of walking down the aisle doesn’t seem as appealing as it used to. - To marry someone off
Meaning: means to find a suitable husband or wife for one’s child, often with the goal of no longer having to provide for that child financially.
Example: My great grandmother tried to marry off my grandmother to a wealthy older man.