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St. Valentine's Day

St. Valentine's Day

Опис події

14 лютого. День святого Валентина

Сьогодні, всі закохані святкують День святого Валентина. Насправді свято має зв'язок з незвичайними ритуалами сватання та родючості. Але у наш час, цей день сповнений романтикою, квітами, поцілунками, листівками та коханням. Не соромтеся проявляти свої почуття!

Слово дня: “ШОСТЕ ПОЧУТТЯ" -  здатність людини інтуїтивно приймати правильні рішення.

Шосте почуття - це унікальна здатність людини.

The word of the day:  heartfelt (adjective) /ˈhɑːrtfɛlt/

Meaning: sincere and deeply felt, especially in expressions of love.

Example: She wrote a heartfelt letter expressing her feelings on Valentine's Day.

 Your MINI-TASK is to watch the best scenes from Valentine's Day movie and do the quiz.



Valentine`s Day


  1. What does the video suggest about the relationship between Felicia and Willie?

    A. They have been together since middle school.

    B. They have a playful and casual relationship.

    C. They are deeply in love and committed to each other.

    D. Their relationship is troubled and unhealthy.

  2. According to the video, how did Felicia and Willie first interact?

    A. They met at a high school dance competition.

    B. Willie used to shoot spit wads at Felicia in their Spanish class.

    C. Felicia's boyfriend Willie is the star athlete at their school.

    D. They have been best friends since they were children.

  3. What is the primary purpose of the "lime stinking Pig" dish described by the server?

    A. To showcase the chef's culinary skills.

    B. To provide a unique and memorable dining experience.

    C. To promote the restaurant's special Valentine's Day menu.

    D. To disgust and shock the customer.

  4. What can be inferred about the narrator, Greg Gilkins, based on the video?

    A. He is a high school teacher.

    B. He is a news reporter covering a huma interest story.

    C. He is a relationship expert providing advice.

    D. He is a former high school student reminiscing about the past.

  5. What is the overall tone of the video?

    A. Serious and educational

    B. Lighthearted and humorous

    C. Romantic and sentimental

    D. Cynical and critical

  6. What is the main message or theme conveyed in the video?

    A. The challenges of high school relationships

    B. The importance of reading body language and personality cues

    C. The differences between young and mature love

    D. The contrast between reality and idealized perceptions of love

  7. What does the video suggest about the narrator's perspective on high school relationships?

    A. He views them as pure and innocent.

    B. He is critical and cynical about them.

    C. He is nostalgic and sentimental about them.

    D. He believes they are unrealistic and ignorant of reality.


MINI-TASK for junior champions is to watch a video and answer the questions:

  1. When and where did the first Valentine’s Day celebration take place?
  2. Who receives the most cards?
  3. How much do Americans spend on chocolate gifts?


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