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It's August 4th: Psychic Day

It's August 4th: Psychic Day

  • Starts: Воскресенье, 04 августа 2024 12:00 AM
  • Ends: Воскресенье, 04 августа 2024 12:00 AM

Event Description

4 серпня. День екстрасенса

Це особливе свято, яке привертає увагу до мистецтва паранормальних здібностей та надприродних явищ. Для багатьох людей екстрасенси викликають цікавість та захоплення. Екстрасенси можуть пророкувати майбутнє, спілкуватися з духами, виявляти приховані речі або діагностувати хвороби. Проте важливо зазначити, що питання про існування екстрасенсів і їхніх здібностей є предметом суперечок і наукових досліджень.

Слово дня: “ЗДІБНІСТЬ" -  природний нахил до чого-небудь; обдарування, талант.

Креативні здібності художника дозволяють йому бачити красу в навіть найпростіших речах і переносити це на полотно.

The word of the day: clairvoyance (noun)/klɛərˈvɔɪ.əns/

Meaning: the supposed ability to gain information about objects, people, or events through extrasensory means, often involving visions or inner knowledge.

Example: Clairvoyants claim to have the gift of clairvoyance, allowing them to "see" events or details beyond the physical senses.

Your MINI-TASK is to do a quiz.

Psychic Day Quiz

  1. When is Psychic Day celebrated?
    a) August 1
    b) August 4
    c) August 10
    d) August 15

  2. What is the term for the ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception?
    a) Telekinesis
    b) Telepathy
    c) Clairvoyance
    d) Precognition

  3.  Who is a famous historical figure known for his prophecies and predictions?
    a) Nostradamus
    b) Galileo Galilei
    c) Isaac Newton
    d) Leonardo da Vinci

  4. What is the practice of communicating with the spirits of the dead called?
    a) Divination
    b) Astrology
    c) Seance
    d) Tarot reading

  5. Which of the following is a common tool used by psychics to gain insights?
    a) Compass
    b) Microscope
    c) Telescope
    d) Crystal ball

  6. What is the term for the psychic ability to perceive the future?
    a) Retrocognition
    b) Psychometry
    c) Precognition
    d) Telepathy

  7. What is the practice of using cards to gain insight into the past, present, or future called?
    a) Palmistry
    b) Tarot reading
    c) Numerology
    d) Astrology

  8. What is the term for reading the palm of a hand to predict the future?
    a) Telekinesis
    b) Divination
    c) Palmistry
    d) Clairaudience

  9. Which psychic phenomenon involves moving objects with the mind?
    a) Telepathy
    b) Telekinesis
    c) Clairvoyance
    d) Psychometry

  10. What is the term for the ability to read the energy of objects by touching them?
    a) Psychometry
    b) Clairvoyance
    c) Retrocognition
    d) Telepathy

  11. Which of the following is NOT typically associated with psychic abilities?
    a) ESP (Extrasensory Perception)
    b) MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
    c) Channeling
    d) Mediumship

  12. Who was a famous American psychic known as the "Sleeping Prophet"?
    a) Sylvia Browne
    b) Edgar Cayce
    c) Uri Geller
    d) Jeane Dixon

  13. Which ancient civilization is known for its extensive use of oracles and seers to predict the future?
    a) Roman
    b) Egyptian
    c) Greek
    d) Chinese

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