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It's June 28th: Constitution Day in Ukraine

It's June 28th: Constitution Day in Ukraine

  • Starts: Пятница, 28 июня 2024 12:00 AM
  • Ends: Пятница, 28 июня 2024 12:00 AM

Event Description

28 червня. День Конституції України

28 червня 1996 року була ухвалена Конституція України. Кожен громадянин України може почувати себе у безпеці, тому що його права захищені Конституцією. Вивчайте Конституцію та будьте свідомими громадянами, адже всім відомий вислів: «Незнання закону не звільняє від відповідальності». Святкуйте День Конституції України і дізнавайтеся більше про свої права й про історію появи Конституції.

Слово дня: “НОРМА ПРАВА" -  загальнообов'язкове правило поведінки людей, встановлене, санкціоноване і забезпечуване державою.

Дотримання норм права є важливим елементом будь-якого демократичного суспільства.

The word of the day: sovereignty (noun)/ˈsɒv.rɪn.ti/

Meaning:the supreme power or authority of a state to govern itself independently, without interference from external forces.

Example:Constitution Day underscores Ukraine's sovereignty, affirming its right to self-determination and the ability to shape its own political, economic, and social destiny.

Your MINI-TASK is to do a quiz.

Constitution Day in Ukraine Quiz

  1. When is Constitution Day celebrated in Ukraine?
    a) June 24
    b) June 28
    c) July 1
    d) July 4

  2. In which year was the Constitution of Ukraine adopted?
    a) 1989
    b) 1991
    c) 1996
    d) 2001

  3. The Constitution of Ukraine was adopted by which governing body?
    a) The Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine
    b) The President of Ukraine
    c) The Supreme Court of Ukraine
    d) The Constitutional Assembly

  4. How long did the Verkhovna Rada debate the Constitution before its adoption?
    a) 1 day
    b) 3 days
    c) 10 days
    d) 24 hours

  5. The adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine marked the establishment of what type of government?
    a) Monarchy
    b) Federal republic
    c) Parliamentary republic
    d) Presidential-parliamentary republic

  6. The Constitution of Ukraine guarantees fundamental rights and freedoms to its citizens. Which of the following is NOT explicitly mentioned in the Constitution?
    a) Freedom of speech
    b) Right to education
    c) Right to bear arms
    d) Right to healthcare

  7. The Constitution of Ukraine establishes that Ukraine is a:
    a) Federal state
    b) Unitary state
    c) Confederation
    d) Autonomous region

  8. The President of Ukraine is elected for a term of:
    a) 4 years
    b) 5 years
    c) 6 years
    d) 7 years

  9. How many chapters are there in the Constitution of Ukraine?
    a) 18
    b) 14
    c) 10
    d) 20

  10. What is the highest legal force in Ukraine, according to the Constitution?
    a) The President
    b) The Verkhovna Rada
    c) The Constitution itself
    d) The Supreme Court

  11. Which body has the authority to amend the Constitution of Ukraine?
    a) The President of Ukraine
    b) The Verkhovna Rada
    c) The Constitutional Court
    d) The Prime Minister

  12. The Constitution of Ukraine was influenced by constitutions of other countries. Which country’s constitution had the most significant impact?
    a) USA
    b) Hungary
    c) France
    d) Poland

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43000, Луцк, Украина, ул. Коперника, 8, оф. 1
+38(050) 296-36-37

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