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It's December 25th: Christmas Day

It's December 25th: Christmas Day

  • Starts: Понедельник, 25 декабря 2023 12:00 AM
  • Ends: Понедельник, 25 декабря 2023 12:00 AM

Event Description

25 грудня. Різдво Христове

Щороку на Різдво кожна сім'я збирається разом, щоб можна було провести час із родиною. Відзначити важливе християнське свято та долучитися до традицій прагнуть дорослі й діти. Різдво за кілька тисячоліть перетворилося на всесвітнє святкування і кожен в цей день вірить в чудо, яке обов'язково станеться!

Слово дня: “ОБРЯД” -  сукупність установлених звичаєм дій, пов'язаних з побутовими традиціями або з виконанням релігійних настанов.

До забутих традицій Різдва можна віднести маловідомі обряди.

The word of the day: deck the halls (idiom) /dɛk ðə hɔːlz/

Meaning: to decorate for Christmas, especially if one will be entertaining guests.

Example:Jack's family will deck the halls for the Holly Jolly Celebration.

Your MINI-TASK is to do a Christmas quiz.

Christmas Around the World Quiz

  1. In which country is it customary to celebrate Christmas by enjoying a feast of KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken)?
    a) China
    b) Japan
    c) Brazil

  2. What is the traditional Christmas Eve meal in Italy, typically consisting of seven types of seafood dishes?
    a) Cacciucco
    b) Feast of Seven Fishes
    c) Bacalhau

  3. Which country is famous for the tradition of the "Julbord" or Christmas smorgasbord, featuring dishes like herring, meatballs, and rice pudding?
    a) Sweden
    b) Greece
    c) Mexico

  4. In which country is the "Posada" celebrated, involving a procession reenacting Mary and Joseph's search for a place to stay?
    a) Spain
    b) Mexico
    c) France

  5. Which European country hides a pickled gherkin in the Christmas tree, and whoever finds it first gets a special gift?
    a) Germany
    b) Norway
    c) Hungary

  6. What is the traditional Christmas dessert in England made from dried fruits, spices, and often topped with brandy butter?
    a) Mince Pies
    b) Trifle
    c) Christmas Pudding

  7. In which country is it customary to celebrate Christmas with a "Parranda," a lively musical gathering that travels from house to house singing and playing instruments?
    a) Colombia
    b) Venezuela
    c) Argentina

  8. Which country is known for the tradition of "Jólabókaflóð," where books are exchanged as Christmas Eve gifts and evenings are spent reading?
    a) Iceland
    b) Finland
    c) Denmark

  9. In which country is it customary to celebrate Christmas with a fireworks display called "Szczodre Gody"?
    a) Poland
    b) Russia
    c) Czech Republic

  10. Which South American country has a tradition called "Misa de Gallo" where people attend early morning Mass starting from December 16th?
    a) Brazil
    b) Argentina
    c) Philippines



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