It's December 6th: Saint Nicholas Day
- Starts: Среда, 06 декабря 2023 12:00 AM
- Ends: Среда, 06 декабря 2023 12:00 AM
Event Description
6 грудня. День святого Миколая
Сьогодні, в багатьох країнах світу й Україні - День святого Миколая. Релігійне свято нагадує про важливість допомоги тим, хто потребує, та про добро й милосердя. На дітей в цей день чекають подарунки, тому вони обожнюють це свято.
В Україні 6 грудня також відзначається День Збройних Сил України. Збройні сили - це один з основних елементів стабільного і впевненого розвитку України, справжня гарантія державного суверенітету. Тому в цей день ми вшановуємо всіх, хто причетний до високого і почесного звання військовослужбовця.
Слово дня: “ДИВО” - те, що викликає подив, здивування.
Диво трапляється лише з тими людьми, хто в нього вірить.
The word of the day: generosity (noun)/ˌdʒen.əˈrɒs.ə.ti/
Meaning: a willingness to give help or support.
Example:Families practice generosity on Saint Nicholas Day by sharing gifts with those in need.
Your MINI-TASK is to watch a video and answer the questions.
St. Nicholas Day
Quiz Questions:
- What is the connection between Santa Claus and Saint Nicholas?
A. Santa Claus is a fictional character based on Saint Nicholas.
B. Santa Claus and Saint Nicholas are different names for the same person.
C. Santa Claus is the modern version of Saint Nicholas.
D. Santa Claus is the American version of Saint Nicholas. - Why did Saint Nicholas give away his wealth?
A. He wanted to become famous.
B. He wanted to help as many people as possible.
C. He wanted to impress Jesus Christ.
D. He was forced to give away his money. - What is the significance of Saint Nicholas Day?
A. It is a day for giving presents to friends and family.
B. It is the day when Santa Claus was born.
C. It is the day when Saint Nicholas became a bishop.
D. It is a day of celebration for all Christians. - How did the tradition of putting presents in shoes originate?
A. Saint Nicholas started the tradition by leaving presents in shoes.
B. It was a way to hide presents from children.
C. It was a common practice in Europe before Saint Nicholas.
D. The tradition was introduced by Coca-Cola. - What role did Coca-Cola play in the depiction of Santa Claus?
A. Coca-Cola popularized the image of Santa Claus in red.
B. Coca-Cola invented the character of Santa Claus.
C. Coca-Cola changed the color of Santa Claus from green to red.
D. Coca-Cola had no influence on the depiction of Santa Claus. - According to the video, what is the true meaning of Santa Claus?
A. Santa Claus is a symbol of receiving presents.
B. Santa Claus is a friend of Jesus Christ and a symbol of giving.
C. Santa Claus is a fictional character with no deeper meaning.
D. Santa Claus is a historical figure who lived in Myra. - How does the presenter describe the real Saint Nicholas?
A. He was a poor man who became rich by giving away his money.
B. He was a fictional character created to promote generosity.
C. He was a bishop who dedicated his life to helping others.
D. He was a mythical figure associated with the Christmas season.