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It's September 10th: Suicide Prevention Day

It's September 10th: Suicide Prevention Day

  • Starts: Воскресенье, 10 сентября 2023 12:00 AM
  • Ends: Воскресенье, 10 сентября 2023 12:00 AM

Event Description

10 вересня. Всесвітній день запобігання самогубствам

Всесвітній день запобігання самогубствам є нагадуванням про важливість уваги до психічного здоров'я та підтримки оточуючих. Ми повинні бути більш уважними до ознак стресу та емоційного перевантаження у наших близьких. Самогубства – це глобальна проблема, яку можна подолати разом.

Слово дня: “САМОГУБЕЦЬ” -  той, хто сам себе позбавив життя.

Розповіді від родичів та друзів самогубців показують, наскільки важливо вчасно реагувати на зміни у поведінці та настрої людей.

The word of the day: resolute (adjective)

Meaning: firmly determined and unwavering in purpose, a mindset necessary for taking action in suicide prevention.

Example: A resolute commitment to saving lives is at the core of Suicide Prevention Day.

Your MINI-TASK is to do the quiz.

Suicide Prevention Day

  1. The primary purpose of Suicide Prevention Day is to:
    a) Promote self-harm awareness
    b) Raise awareness about mental illness
    c) Prevent suicide and encourage action
    d) Celebrate life achievements
  2. Suicide is a significant global public health issue, leading to how many deaths annually?
    a) Over 1 million
    b) Over 500,000
    c) Over 3 million
    d) Over 5 million
  3. Which of the following is a crucial aspect of suicide prevention?
    a) Encouraging open dialogue about mental health
    b) Promoting suicide as a solutionc) Isolating individuals who may be struggling
    d) Avoiding discussions about suicide
  4. What is one of the main goals of Suicide Prevention Day?
    a) Celebrate the beauty of life
    b) Promote self-harm as a valid option
    c) Reduce the stigma surrounding mental health
    d) Ignore the issue of suicide
  5. Which symbol is often associated with suicide prevention?
    a) A broken heart
    b) A yellow ribbon
    c) A locked door
    d) A closed book
  6. What does "QPR" stand for in suicide prevention?
    a) Quick, Precise, Resolute
    b) Question, Persuade, Refer
    c) Quell, Prevent, React
    d) Quiet, Peaceful, Resolve
  7. What does "ASIST" stand for in the context of suicide prevention training?
    a) Advanced Skills in Inpatient Support and Treatment
    b) Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training
    c) Assistance and Support in Times of crisis
    d) All-Source Intelligence Support Team
  8. Which age group is often at the highest risk for suicide?
    a) Children under 10
    b) Adolescents and young adults
    c) Middle-aged adults
    d) Seniors over 65
  9. What should you do if you suspect someone may be contemplating suicide?
    a) Listen empathetically, express your concern, and encourage them to seek help
    b) Avoid talking to them, as it might make the situation worse
    c) Immediately call emergency services without discussing it further
    d) Share their struggles with others without their consent
  10. What is the first step in promoting suicide prevention and mental health awareness?
    a) Silence and secrecy
    b) Compassion and conversation
    c) Isolation and neglect
    d) Stigmatization and judgment

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SARGOI International Community
03150, Киев, Украина, ул. Загородняя 15, офис 523
+38(098) 900-81-18

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+38(097) 066-75-62

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+38(068) 160-36-69

43000, Луцк, Украина, ул. Коперника, 8, оф. 1
+38(050) 296-36-37

08136, Крюковщина, Украина, ул. Богуславська 1, оф. 68
+38(067) 808-81-82

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