It’s February 25th: Gun Day | SARGOI language school
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It’s February 25th: Gun Day

It’s February 25th: Gun Day

  • Starts: Суббота, 25 февраля 2023 12:00 AM
  • Ends: Суббота, 25 февраля 2023 12:00 AM

Event Description

25 лютого. День пістолета

Чи знаєте ви, що минуло майже 500 років з моменту появи перших пістолетів? У дев'ятнадцятому столітті з'явилися револьвери. У 1835 році Семюель Кольт отримав патент на перший в історії револьвер. Через рік він отримав патент на американську модель. У цей день люди згадують часи Семюеля Кольта та черпають натхнення, щоб випустити чудові нові патенти на пістолети.

Слово дня: “ЗБРОЯ” -  знаряддя для нападу або оборони.

Сучасна зброя небезпечна, але ефективна та має високу точність.

The word of the day: wound (verb)

Meaning: to damage an area of the body, especially by making a cut or hole in the skin.

Example: The police chief was badly wounded in the explosion.


  1. Look through the idioms

  2. Choose 2 you like best

  3. Come up with the sentences

Bite the Bullet

  • Bite the Bullet
    Meaning: To do something even though it involves pain, discomfort, or difficulty
    Example: I guess I might as well bite the bullet and go and talk to the boss about my failure. I’ll have to do it sooner or later.

Smoking Gun

  • Smoking Gun
    Meaning: Indisputable evidence of a crime
    Example: A photograph showing the legislator meeting with organized crime bosses was the smoking gun.

Dead Eye

  • Dead Eye
    Meaning: A good shooter, a good marksman
    Example: Virgil is a dead eye. He learned his skills in the army.

Fight Fire with Fire

  • Fight Fire with Fire
    Meaning: Use the same measures that are being used against you, even if they’re stronger than you would usually use
    Example: Our competition is running ads accusing us of cheating on product testing. We’ll just have to fight fire with fire.

Keep Your Powder Dry

  • Keep Your Powder Dry
    Meaning: Do not attack until you are ready.
    Example: There’s no point in launching the ad campaign while everyone’s out of town. Let’s keep our powder dry and wait until the campaign is in full swing.
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