
How Much Time Should You Spend “Studying”?

{article How Much Time Should You Spend “Studying”?}{link}{title}{/link}{/article} A lot of students try to learn English by studying the same way they studied for a test in school.

Letter to Santa Claus


{article Letter to Santa Claus}{link}{title}{/link}{/article} Join the compaing: Write your letter to Santa Claus, and receive your gift


Top 10 places to visit in Itlaly

Що подивиись в Італіїї

{article Top 10 places to visit in Itlaly}{link}{title}{/link}{/article}Those who have ever been there – have thrown a coin into the Mediterranean Sea to get back here as soon as possible, and those who have not yet discovered Italy - put it in their 100-things-to-do-before-you-die list.

Another achievement!

Sertificat - centr podgotovki

    Another achievement of the school, now Speak & Go Kyiv - the official training center for children and adults to pass the Cambridge exams in Ukraine. Thanks to the whole team Speak & Go Kyiv for inspiring the professional teaching and inspiration for future possibilities.

   If you need to prepare for the Cambridge English exams - we are happy to help you!

10 reasons to study abroad

 Study abroad

{article 10 reasons to study abroad}{link}{title}{/link}{/article}If you ask someone who studied abroad, he'll probably tell you that it is an incredible experience that changed his life, and one of the most important actions of his life.


Open up new horizons that fluency in English will reveal!

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SARGOI International Community
03150, Kiev, Ukraine, Zagorodnaya str. 15, office 523
+38(098) 900-81-18

32300, Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Ukraine, Grushevskyi Ave. 21 V, 3rd floor
+38(097) 066-75-62

33028, Rivne, Ukraine, Slovatskogo str. 4/6, office. 244А
+38(068) 160-36-69

43000, Lutsk, Ukraine, 8, Kopernika str. 1
+38(050) 296-36-37

08136, Kryukovshchyna, Ukraine, ul. 1, office 68
+38(067) 808-81-82

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