Everything you need to know about tea and delicious tea drinking traditions

Tea drinking traditions have been passed down from generation to generation, but in most countries of the world, the process of drinking tea is fast and without rules. When learning English in the SARGOI English-speaking community, we do not forget about the traditions of different countries and mention them in our lessons. Learning a foreign language online can be done over a cup of tea, and it is not only interesting, but also effective and comfortable.

How many memories come to mind when we say just one word - tea. Some people remember warm family evenings, while others associate tea with a certain tradition. Different types of tea allow not only connoisseurs but also ordinary people to enjoy this drink. There are various tea drinking traditions around the world that are passed down from generation to generation.

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Let's go on a journey through the world of tea together, explore different types of tea and dive into the tea drinking traditions of different countries.

  • Green Tea

    One of the most popular types of tea, it is an excellent source of antioxidants. Its taste is deep and rich, and it can be fresh or herbal.

  • Black Tea

    Made from Indian or Chinese tea leaves. It often gives energy due to its caffeine content, making it a popular drink for morning consumption.

  • White Tea

    White tea has a very delicate flavour palette and low caffeine content. It is almost not subjected to mechanical and thermal processing, so it can be considered the healthiest of all Chinese teas. It is extracted from the young leaves and buds of the first tea harvest. White tea is quite expensive, so it is not as popular as other types of tea.

  • Yellow tea

    Yellow tea is similar to green tea, but there is a significant difference in the length of the drying and fermentation stages.

  • Blue tea

    Decaffeinated herbal tea will be remembered not only for its taste but also for its blue colour.

  • Oolong tea

    This tea has taken a place between green and black tea, retaining the best features of both. The flavour can range from a fresh herbal note to a rich and delicate aroma.

  • Herbal and fruit tea

    Mixing tea with various herbs, fruits and spices creates a special drink.

Now let's move on to the traditions of tea drinking. Those people who are lucky enough to attend a tea ceremony will remember this event for the rest of their lives. The emotions, the taste of tea and the atmosphere that prevails at such events are unique, and one might even say fairytale-like.

  1. English five o'clock tea

    Tea drinking in Britain is a real ritual event. The custom of drinking tea at 17:00 arose in the early 19th century, when this tradition was first started by Anne Russell. During this period, from 14:00 to 20:00, people began to feel hungry, so they needed a light snack (afternoon tea). The tea party was held at a small table, usually by the fireplace, and the dishes had to be from the same set. Tea was brewed in a special way. Much attention was also paid to etiquette. One of the interesting things was that if the tea party was held at a low table, then when drinking tea, a saucer had to be lifted along with the cup. Over time, the tradition of tea drinking spread among ordinary people, not just aristocrats. Today, the British are not averse to drinking tea at any hour, but many of them prefer high tea, which takes place after 5pm.

  2. Chinese tea ceremony

    Chinese tea culture is significantly different from other tea rituals. Gongfu Cha is a complex ritual of making and drinking tea, which includes numerous steps. The tea ceremony requires adherence to four basic principles of the human condition: calmness, purity, respect and harmony. This tea ceremony is long and very beautiful. It is not customary to talk while drinking tea, you should enjoy the silence and taste of tea.

  3. Japanese tea ceremony

    Tado is the name given to tea drinking in Japan. The tea ceremony is held in special clothes and in compliance with strict rules. Traditionally, matcha tea (green tea ground into powder) is used. The aroma and taste of tea is revealed in complete silence and harmony.

  4. Indian tea drinking

    Most people associate tea drinking in India with masala tea, and for good reason. Traditional black Indian tea is usually used to make this drink. The main difference between this drink is the use of a wide range of spices and milk.

Most people associate tea drinking in India with masala tea, and for good reason. Traditional black Indian tea is usually used to make this drink. The main difference between this drink is the use of a wide range of spices and milk.

International Tea Day is celebrated in different countries around the world on different days and times of the year. Some countries celebrate Tea Day on 15 December, others on 21 May. This is an unofficial holiday, so Ukrainians can join the celebration on one of these days and enjoy the taste of tea. In the English-speaking community at SARGOI, students and teachers do not forget about the traditions of other countries' celebrations thanks to a unique Advent calendar. At SARGOI, you not only learn English, but also develop comprehensively, so if you want to learn English in a quality and interesting way, join us! Online English courses with a native speaker can start with a cup of English tea at a time that suits you.

A cheat list of “HOW TO” with useful chunks or phrases while chatting online with your group mates:

1) HOW TO inform group you are not in class today


Useful Language:


“Hi [group / gang / guys]! I [will / am afraid I’ll / am going to] be absent today…”

“... I [am not / haven’t been] feeling very good [at the moment / today / lately].”

“... My [son / daughter / family] has been sick.”

“... I have [a project to finish at work / a lesson I can’t miss / a family (or ‘an important’) engagement].”

“... I hope to see you for the next lesson!”


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2) HOW TO inform group you are late


Useful Language:


“I’m sorry, but I am [running late / going to be late] for our lesson [this / tomorrow] [morning / afternoon / evening]…”

“... I [had / have] [something / a few things] [to take care of / to handle] at [work / home / school]!”

“... I should [be there / see you] in about [ten / 30] minutes.” or “...around 5:45.”


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3) HOW TO ask about homework


Useful Language:


Before lesson: “Would someone be able to share the homework with me later tonight?”

“Would anyone mind letting me know later what our homework assignment is?”

After lesson: “Can anyone [tell me / fill me in on] what I missed in our lesson today?”

“Could someone let me know what assignment we have for the next lesson?”


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4) HOW TO  ask  /clarify questions


Useful Language:


“I’m not sure I understand [our assignment / question 7 / the goal / the instructions] correctly…”

“Did anyone else have a [question about / problem with] the [writing / reading / grammar / vocab] task?”

“Would someone mind [explaining the task to / sharing their understanding with / clarifying __ for] me?”

“Could anyone remind me [what our assignment for the next lesson was / what we said (or ‘agreed’) about __ / how we used __ in context / what example of __ we discussed]?”


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5) HOW TO wish recovery


Useful Language:


“I’m sorry to hear that!”

“That’s too bad!”

“I hope [you (all) feel / she feels] better soon!”

“Get well soon!”

“We’ll [look forward to seeing / be happy to see] you again [soon / when you’re feeling better]!”

“Take care of yourself!”

“Get plenty of rest!”


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6) HOW TO say that you are missing English, peers, etc


Useful Language:


“I’ll be glad to see you [guys / all] again soon!”

“I wish I could be there!”

“I’ll [be studying on my own / try to keep up from home]!”

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Challenge news


SARGOI congratulates the winners of our written challenge, which took place between December 10th and 20th, 2018, among the community's teens! The general theme of the challenge was 'Creativity Beyond the Borders' and it included the favorite subjects:

  • Art and Design
  • Literature and Culture
  • Business and Economics
  • Science and Technology
  • Social Sciences

Recall that during these 10 days, our participants from different corners of Ukraine competed daily, first of all, with themselves. The tasks posed required significant effort and self-organization, understanding of time management, the ability to find information quickly on the internet, as well as fast and thorough reading, research, writing and expression of independent thought. And of course, a creative attitude toward the challenge itself.

Thus, our participants applied themselves in preparation for the international intellectual Olympiad Owlypia, and felt the importance of active daily preparation.

Dear participants, each of you is a great young man and young woman! We are proud of your achievements, how you built relationships and studied your favorite subjects. We are grateful for your active participation, and for your formidable English.

Names and Photos of the Winners:

sasha 350

Oleksandr Koptiev

anastasya 350

Anastasia Shtifonova

artem 350

Artem Hnap

dasha 350

Daria Selezneva

hristina 350

Khristina Lontovskaya

luiza 350

Luis Dorofei

nazar 350

Nazar Mashtaler

nazariy 350

Nazari Prokopov

List of Tasks for the Challenge:


Day One  (10/12) - Art and Design

What is the best way to train young artists to be creative? Read and watch the resources, share your opinion in the group (up to 100 words)




Day Two  (11/12) - Science and Technology

Which one contributes more to innovation in science and technology: intelligence or creativity?




Day Three  (12/12) - Literature and Culture

How can creative thinking be taught or learned through literature?




Day Four  (13/12) - Business and Economics

Why do organisations need creativity?




Day Five  (14/12) - Social Sciences

What happens to the mind of the learner when a teacher or a parent begins by asking instead of telling?




Day Six  (15/12) - Art and Design

Do you listen to music in order to help yourself focus and be more creative?




Day Seven  (16/12) - Science and Technology

What technological and scientific innovations were inspired by science fiction?




Day Eight  (17/12) - Literature and Culture

If you were a teacher of literature, how would you build a culture of creativity in your classroom?




Day Nine  (18/12) - Business and Culture

Why is creativity so crucial for entrepreneurs?




Day Ten  (19/12) - Social Sciences

Do you believe that each person has the capacity to be creative? Why?




How To Spend A Week To Improve Your Level Of English?

We found 5 ideas for this.

Idea 1. Tuesday

Australian rockers Tonight Alive have announced their return, and will first give a concert in Kyiv on tour to support their ‘Underworld’ album.

Link: http://bit.ly/2ukQaRH

Tonight Alive

Idea 2. Wednesday

Spend your time usefully, together with BBC Learning English - a resource where you can study British English from a lower intermediate level (below average). A lot of directions, video and audio materials with text and transcription. One section is specifically dedicated to working on pronunciation. The course ‘6 Minute English - Six-Minute Clips On Different Topics’ is one of the most popular among users.

Link: https://bbc.in/2pG8Jet

Idea 3. Thursday

We suggest watching a movie in English at the Kinopanorama theater. Modern society requires a knowledge of English. Professionals say that you can study English well, while watching films in English. We suggest an educational project four times a week. It's an opportunity to learn the language in films using classic, modern language and the latest slang.

Link: http://bit.ly/2IVUsCu

Idea 4. Friday

Event of the Year - a concert in Kyiv by the British group Rubin Hood! The concert is dedicated to the 10th anniversary of SARGOI International Community. The program includes a concert by the British band, lotteries and prizes.

Link: http://bit.ly/2FLNYUA

1355866805 Reverb 3

Idea 5. Saturday

An evening of the movie ‘Forrest Gump’. Rich English language, a positive plot and wonderful performances by the actors will give you a cozy evening.

Link: http://bit.ly/2uhsKwy


From A Beginner Student To A Partner, or, The Opening Of SARGOI In The City Of Rivne And Its Background

Last Saturday, September 8, 2018, SARGOI International Community officially cut the red ribbon and announced the opening of another representative office of the community in the city of Rivne.

Oleksandr Voznyuk, Director of SARGOI International Community in the city of Rivne, came to Kyiv in 2015 to study English from scratch.

Oleksandr remembers: “I liked that in SARGOI, not only did I learn to speak quickly, but I developed first and foremost as a person. English-language seminars and meetings raised questions of self-development and introspection of my personality, as a leader. I remember well the workshops from coach Bohdan Budzan, where, with a number of questions, I became more aware of what I wanted to do in my professional and personal life. When the question arose about starting my own business, I thought - why not buy or develop a SARGOI franchise in my hometown?”

Preparations for the opening of the representative office began in March of this year. During this time, Oleksandr recruited a young and ambitious team who had completed intensive training and practice at the Head Office in Kyiv.

Today, the SARGOI doors, and with them, the road to high-quality English language, opened for residents of the city of Rivne. It's great that we are all set to help people realize their dream with English, and gain international experience, in another city of Ukraine. Good on you, SARGOI Concept Office Rivne. Dream Big, Act Now!


Open up new horizons that fluency in English will reveal!

Our address

SARGOI International Community
03150, Kiev, Ukraine, Zagorodnaya str. 15, office 523
+38(098) 900-81-18

32300, Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Ukraine, Grushevskyi Ave. 21 V, 3rd floor
+38(097) 066-75-62

33028, Rivne, Ukraine, Slovatskogo str. 4/6, office. 244А
+38(068) 160-36-69

43000, Lutsk, Ukraine, 8, Kopernika str. 1
+38(050) 296-36-37

08136, Kryukovshchyna, Ukraine, ul. 1, office 68
+38(067) 808-81-82

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