It's August 6th: Hiroshima Day

It's August 6th: Hiroshima Day

Event Description

6 серпня. День Хіросіми

Для Японії Хіросіма стала символом трагедії, яка спонукала країну до безумовної капітуляції в кінці Другої світової війни. Атомний удар на місто Хіросіма, за яким невдовзі слідував подібний удар на місто Нагасакі, є найбільш жахливими актами насильства в історії людства і нагадує нам про страшні наслідки ядерної війни. День Хіросіми служить не лише нагадуванням про страшну трагедію, а й вшануванням пам'яті про всіх загиблих від цієї трагедії.

Слово дня: “БОМБА" -  розривний снаряд, начинений вибуховою речовиною.

6 серпня 1945 року американський бомбардувальник B-29 "Enola Gay" скинув атомну бомбу, названу "Little Boy", на Хіросіму.

The word of the day: mushroom cloud (noun phrase) /ˈmʌʃ.ruːm klaʊd/

Meaning: the distinctive cloud of smoke and debris that forms after a large explosion, especially a nuclear bomb.

Example:  The mushroom cloud from the Hiroshima bombing could be seen from miles away.

Your MINI-TASK is to do a quiz.

Hiroshima Day Quiz

  1.  In which year did the atomic bombing of Hiroshima occur?
    a) 1941
    b) 1942
    c) 1944
    d) 1945

  2. What was the name of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima?
    a) Little Boy
    b) Fat Man
    c) Big Boy
    d) Little Man

  3. Which country dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima?
    a) Germany
    b) Soviet Union
    c) United States
    d) Japan

  4. What was the primary target of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima?
    a) Military bases
    b) Government buildings
    c) Industrial area
    d) City center

  5. Approximately how many people were killed immediately by the Hiroshima bombing?
    a) 10,000
    b) 30,000
    c) 60,000
    d) 80,000

  6. What is the name of the park in Hiroshima dedicated to the memory of the atomic bombing victims?
    a) Memorial Park
    b) Peace Park
    c) Hiroshima Park
    d) Atomic Park

  7. Which other Japanese city was targeted by an atomic bomb just days after Hiroshima?
    a) Tokyo
    b) Nagasaki
    c) Kyoto
    d) Osaka

  8. What was the main reason given for the use of atomic bombs on Japan?
    a) To test new technology
    b) To force Japan to surrender and end World War II
    c) To demonstrate power to the Soviet Union
    d) To destroy Japan's economy

  9. What is the name of the building in Hiroshima that remains as a symbol of the devastation caused by the atomic bomb?
    a) Hiroshima Tower
    b) Atomic Dome
    c) Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome)
    d) Peace Palace

  10. What significant international agreement seeks to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons?
    a) Kyoto Protocol
    b) Geneva Convention
    c) Treaty of Versailles
    d) Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)

  11. What annual event is held in Hiroshima to commemorate the victims of the atomic bombing?
    a) Peace Festival
    b) Memorial Ceremony
    c) Hiroshima Lantern Floating Ceremony
    d) Hiroshima Bombing Anniversary

  12. What was the main health effect experienced by survivors of the atomic bombing?
    a) Respiratory problems
    b) Radiation sickness
    c) Cardiac issues
    d) Vision impairment

  13. How has Hiroshima transformed since the bombing in 1945?
    a) It has become a bustling, modern city dedicated to peace
    b) It remains uninhabited 
    c) It is used as a military base
    d) It is a restricted area for scientific research
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