It's August 4th: Psychic Day
Event Description
4 серпня. День екстрасенса
Це особливе свято, яке привертає увагу до мистецтва паранормальних здібностей та надприродних явищ. Для багатьох людей екстрасенси викликають цікавість та захоплення. Екстрасенси можуть пророкувати майбутнє, спілкуватися з духами, виявляти приховані речі або діагностувати хвороби. Проте важливо зазначити, що питання про існування екстрасенсів і їхніх здібностей є предметом суперечок і наукових досліджень.
Слово дня: “ЗДІБНІСТЬ" - природний нахил до чого-небудь; обдарування, талант.
Креативні здібності художника дозволяють йому бачити красу в навіть найпростіших речах і переносити це на полотно.
The word of the day: clairvoyance (noun)/klɛərˈvɔɪ.əns/
Meaning: the supposed ability to gain information about objects, people, or events through extrasensory means, often involving visions or inner knowledge.
Example: Clairvoyants claim to have the gift of clairvoyance, allowing them to "see" events or details beyond the physical senses.
Your MINI-TASK is to do a quiz.
Psychic Day Quiz
- When is Psychic Day celebrated?
a) August 1
b) August 4
c) August 10
d) August 15 - What is the term for the ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception?
a) Telekinesis
b) Telepathy
c) Clairvoyance
d) Precognition - Who is a famous historical figure known for his prophecies and predictions?
a) Nostradamus
b) Galileo Galilei
c) Isaac Newton
d) Leonardo da Vinci - What is the practice of communicating with the spirits of the dead called?
a) Divination
b) Astrology
c) Seance
d) Tarot reading - Which of the following is a common tool used by psychics to gain insights?
a) Compass
b) Microscope
c) Telescope
d) Crystal ball - What is the term for the psychic ability to perceive the future?
a) Retrocognition
b) Psychometry
c) Precognition
d) Telepathy - What is the practice of using cards to gain insight into the past, present, or future called?
a) Palmistry
b) Tarot reading
c) Numerology
d) Astrology - What is the term for reading the palm of a hand to predict the future?
a) Telekinesis
b) Divination
c) Palmistry
d) Clairaudience - Which psychic phenomenon involves moving objects with the mind?
a) Telepathy
b) Telekinesis
c) Clairvoyance
d) Psychometry - What is the term for the ability to read the energy of objects by touching them?
a) Psychometry
b) Clairvoyance
c) Retrocognition
d) Telepathy - Which of the following is NOT typically associated with psychic abilities?
a) ESP (Extrasensory Perception)
b) MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
c) Channeling
d) Mediumship - Who was a famous American psychic known as the "Sleeping Prophet"?
a) Sylvia Browne
b) Edgar Cayce
c) Uri Geller
d) Jeane Dixon - Which ancient civilization is known for its extensive use of oracles and seers to predict the future?
a) Roman
b) Egyptian
c) Greek
d) Chinese