It's September 21th: Peace Day

It's September 21th: Peace Day

  • Starts: Thursday, 21 September 2023 12:00 AM
  • Ends: Thursday, 21 September 2023 12:00 AM

Event Description

21 вересня. Міжнародний день миру

Міжнародний день миру присвячений зміцненню миру як всередині окремої країни, так і між усіма націями і народами. Однією з традицій Міжнародного дня миру являється дотримання 24-годинного режиму припинення вогню. Життя стає кращим у світі, де панує мир і сьогодні ми сподіваємося на завершення війни в Україні й інших країнах світу.

Слово дня: “ГОЛУБ МИРУ” -  зображення білого голуба як символу миру.

На плакаті був зображений голуб миру, який тримав у своїх крилах карту світу, демонструючи об'єднаність всіх народів.

The word of the day: global citizenship (noun)

Meaning: a concept emphasizing the responsibilities and rights of individuals as members of a global community, supporting the ideals of Peace Day.

Example: Educating people about global citizenship is vital for promoting peace and cooperation on Peace Day and every day.

Your MINI-TASK is to do a peace day quiz.

Peace Day Quiz

  1. When is International Day of Peace observed?
    a) September 21st
    b) August 15th
    c) October 31st
    d) November 11th
  2. What is the theme of International Day of Peace for the year 2023?
    a) Peace in Our Cities
    b) Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future
    c) Shaping Peace Together
    d) Climate Action for Peace
  3. Who officially declared September 21st as International Day of Peace?
    a) United Nations General Assembly
    b) World Health Organization
    c) UNESCO
    d) International Red Cross
  4. In which year was the first International Day of Peace observed?
    a) 1955
    b) 1961
    c) 1981
    d) 2001
  5. What is the international symbol of peace?
    a) Olive branch
    b) White dove
    c) Peace sign
    d) Rainbow
  6. What does the theme "Shaping Peace Together" for International Day of Peace in 2020 emphasize?
    a) Unity amid the COVID-19 pandemic
    b) Global disarmament efforts
    c) Humanitarian aid for conflict zones
    d) Environmental conservation
  7. Which organization plays a significant role in promoting peace, especially through peacekeeping missions around the world?
    a) World Health Organization (WHO)
    b) United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
    c) United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
    d) World Food Programme (WFP)
  8. In 2001, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution designating International Day of Peace as a day of:
    a) Prayer and meditation for peace
    b) Global military parades
    c) Cybersecurity awareness
    d) Economic sanctions
  9. What is the goal of International Day of Peace?
    a) To celebrate military victories
    b) To promote global conflict
    c) To encourage a day of non-violence and ceasefires
    d) To commemorate historical battles
  10. Which organization was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020 for its efforts to combat hunger and improve conditions for peace in conflict-affected areas?
    a) UNICEF
    b) World Health Organization (WHO)
    c) World Food Programme (WFP)
    d) Amnesty International
  11. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 16 focuses on:
    a) Quality education
    b) Gender equality
    c) Peace, justice, and strong institutions
    d) Clean water and sanitation
  12. What is the main color associated with peace and often used in flags and symbols?
    a) Red
    b) Blue
    c) Green
    d) Yellow

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+38(097) 066-75-62

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+38(068) 160-36-69

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