It's May 11th: Ego Awareness Day

It's May 11th: Ego Awareness Day

  • Starts: Thursday, 11 May 2023 12:00 AM
  • Ends: Thursday, 11 May 2023 12:00 AM

Event Description

11 травня. Всесвітній день обізнаності про Его

Всесвітній день обізнаності про Его був заснований у 2018 році, щоб допомогти людям навчитися поводитися з іншими людьми більш скромно. Егоїзм має багато негативних наслідків, які впливають не тільки на саму людину, але й на оточуючих. Цей день важливий не лише для окремих людей, а й для всього суспільства.

Слово дня: “ЕГОЇСТИЧНИЙ” -  який турбується тільки про себе, про свої особисті інтереси.

Егоїстичний підхід до вирішення проблем може призвести до конфліктів та погіршення взаємин між людьми.

The word of the day: humility (noun)

Meaning: the quality of being modest or having a low view of one's importance.

Example: On Ego Awareness Day, it's important to reflect on our actions and approach them with humility, recognizing that we don't know everything and can always learn from others.

Your MINI-TASK is to look through the ego related idioms and write sentences with them.

She always strokes her boss's ego by complimenting his every decision.

Meaning: to flatter or praise someone excessively in order to boost their ego or self-esteem.
Example: She always strokes her boss's ego by complimenting his every decision.

He always keeps his ego in check by asking for feedback and learning from his mistakes.

Meaning: to maintain a balanced and humble perspective about oneself without becoming overly arrogant or self-centered.
Example: He always keeps his ego in check by asking for feedback and learning from his mistakes.

 It's important to swallow your ego and admit when you don't know something, so you can learn and grow.

Meaning: to put aside one's pride or ego for the sake of resolving a conflict or achieving a goal.
Example: It's important to swallow your ego and admit when you don't know something, so you can learn and grow.


Open up new horizons that fluency in English will reveal!

Our address

SARGOI International Community
03150, Kiev, Ukraine, Zagorodnaya str. 15, office 523
+38(098) 900-81-18

32300, Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Ukraine, Grushevskyi Ave. 21 V, 3rd floor
+38(097) 066-75-62

33028, Rivne, Ukraine, Slovatskogo str. 4/6, office. 244А
+38(068) 160-36-69

43000, Lutsk, Ukraine, 8, Kopernika str. 1
+38(050) 296-36-37

08136, Kryukovshchyna, Ukraine, ul. 1, office 68
+38(067) 808-81-82

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