It's May 7th: Permaculture Day

It's May 7th: Permaculture Day

  • Starts: Sunday, 07 May 2023 12:00 AM
  • Ends: Sunday, 07 May 2023 12:00 AM

Event Description

7 травня. Міжнародний день пермакультури

Це свято присвячене високопродуктивним методам землеробства з мінімальними витратами праці, які підтримують екосистему. Цей день є нагадуванням про важливість охорони довкілля та сталого розвитку. Основним елементом пермакультури передмістя та міст є ефективне використання простору.

Слово дня: “ЕКОЛОГІЯ” -  взаємовідношення між організмом і оточуючим середовищем.

Екологія стала надзвичайно важливою темою в сучасному світі, оскільки людство стикається з проблемами забруднення навколишнього середовища та зміни клімату.

The word of the day: guilds (noun)

Meaning: a grouping of plants, animals, and other elements in a permaculture design that work together to provide mutual benefits.

Example: By creating plant guilds, permaculturists can create self-sustaining ecosystems that support each other.

Your MINI-TASK is to watch a video from TED Talk and find out:

  • What is a permaculture?

  • Who is a founder of the first permaculture farm?

  • What are the main points you should consider when starting a permaculture farm?

Mini-task for champions

Look through the plants idioms, write sentences with them, share in the group chat.

Meaning: go to bed.

Meaning: go to bed.

Example: You have to be up early tomorrow so you'd better hit the hay.

Meaning: healthy and full of energy.

Meaning: healthy and full of energy.

Example: Jane looked as fresh as a daisy after her workout this morning.

Meaning: to start to behave in a better or more acceptable way.

Meaning: to start to behave in a better or more acceptable way.

Example: He promised to turn over a new leaf and study harder.

Meaning: to delay or to avoid talking about something that is difficult or unpleasant.

Meaning: to delay or to avoid talking about something that is difficult or unpleasant.

Example: Speak frankly and don't beat about the bush.



Open up new horizons that fluency in English will reveal!

Our address

SARGOI International Community
03150, Kiev, Ukraine, Zagorodnaya str. 15, office 523
+38(098) 900-81-18

32300, Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Ukraine, Grushevskyi Ave. 21 V, 3rd floor
+38(097) 066-75-62

33028, Rivne, Ukraine, Slovatskogo str. 4/6, office. 244А
+38(068) 160-36-69

43000, Lutsk, Ukraine, 8, Kopernika str. 1
+38(050) 296-36-37

08136, Kryukovshchyna, Ukraine, ul. 1, office 68
+38(067) 808-81-82

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