It’s January 1st: New Year’s Day

It’s January 1st: New Year’s Day

  • Starts: Sunday, 01 January 2023 12:00 AM
  • Ends: Sunday, 01 January 2023 12:00 AM

Event Description

1 січня. Перший день Нового року

1 січня - перший день Нового року, час для планування та рішучих дій. Саме з цього дня ми маємо можливість змінити своє життя: більше відпочивати, покращити харчові звички, збільшити фізичне навантаження, вивчити англійську мову або ж змінити роботу. Новий рік - нові можливості, нові перемоги, нові цілі!

Слово дня: “ПОЧИН” -  починання, ініціатива.

Треба виявляти почин в усіх галузях життя.

The word of the day: miracle (noun)
Meaning:an unusual and mysterious event that is thought to have been caused by a god because it does not follow the usual laws of nature.

Example: Jesus Christ was said to have performed miracles like turning water into wine.


  1. Look through the New Year’s idioms

  2. Choose 2 you like best

  3. Come up with the sentences
  • To turn over a new leaf

    Meaning: To change your life completely.
    Example: It looks like after that warning from the
    principal, James has turned over a new leaf.

  • Out with the old and in with the new

    Meaning: We're changing everything.
    Example: "Shall we get rid of these curtains too?' Yes. Out with the old and in with the new.

  • No pain, no gain

    Meaning: If an improving action does not
    cost you anything, you will not benefit from it.
    Example: A. Going to the gym twice a week is so difficult for me.
    B. Keep at it, mum! No pain, no gain.

  • To kick off the new year

    Meaning: To start the new year
    Example: Let's kick off the new year with a nice
    trip to the mountains!

  • To give it my best shot

    Meaning: To try very hard to do something
    Example: Lydia didn’t get the job, but at least she gave it her best shot.

Open up new horizons that fluency in English will reveal!

Our address

SARGOI International Community
03150, Kiev, Ukraine, Zagorodnaya str. 15, office 523
+38(098) 900-81-18

32300, Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Ukraine, Grushevskyi Ave. 21 V, 3rd floor
+38(097) 066-75-62

33028, Rivne, Ukraine, Slovatskogo str. 4/6, office. 244А
+38(068) 160-36-69

43000, Lutsk, Ukraine, 8, Kopernika str. 1
+38(050) 296-36-37

08136, Kryukovshchyna, Ukraine, ul. 1, office 68
+38(067) 808-81-82

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