It’s August 2nd: National Colouring Book Day
- Starts: Tuesday, 02 August 2022 12:00 AM
- Ends: Tuesday, 02 August 2022 12:00 AM
Event Description
2 серпня. День книжки-розмальовки
Останнім часом книжки-розмальовки привернули увагу не лише дітей, а й дорослих. Діти проявляють свою фантазію розмальовуючи улюблених персонажів та героїв, а батьки можуть до них приєднатися. Насправді книжки-розмальовки для дорослих - це арттерапія для оздоровлення та відпочинку. Сьогодні чудовий день для того, щоб взяти розмальовку і відволіктися від буденних справ.
Let’s learn some idioms
Your MINI-TASK is to choose 3 favourite idioms and create sentences with them
Out of the blue– randomly, without warning, surprisingly
Example: “That storm came out of the blue and I didn’t have an umbrella!”
Green with envy– to be very jealous, envious
Example: “Katie was green with envy when she saw you got a new car for your birthday.”
Gray area– something that is unclear, undefined
Example: The issue of allowing mobile phones in the classroom is a gray area right now- it could go either way.
Green thumb– to be skilled at gardening
Example: “My mother has a green thumb- she can make anything grow!”
Black sheep– to be the outcast, odd one out, unlike the others
Example: “Rachel is the black sheep in the family because she is an artist whereas everyone else is an economist.”
Once in a blue moon– very rarely
Example: “Once in a blue moon you will see that mean professor smile.”
White lie– a small lie that is told to be polite or avoid hurting someone’s feelings
Example: “I didn’t like her dress, but I told a white lie because I didn’t want to offend her.
Let’s learn new colors
Your MINI-TASK is to look at the colors and choose the ones you like