Retro Day

Retro Day

Event Description

27 лютого. День ретро

День ретро відзначає ностальгію за минулим, повертаючи до моди, музики, автомобілів і культури минулих десятиліть. Це можливість поринути у чарівність епох, що минули, і оцінити їхній вплив на сучасність. Свято нагадує про важливість збереження культурної спадщини.

Слово дня: “НОСТАЛЬГІЯ" -  болісна туга за батьківщиною або минулим.

Музика у стилі ретро викликала приємну ностальгію, повертаючи спогади про безтурботні юнацькі дні.

The word of the day:  throwback (noun) /ˈθroʊ.bæk/

Meaning: a reminder of or return to a past time, practice, or trend.

Example: This song is a total throwback to my high school days.

Your MINI-TASK is test your retro knowledge with a multiple-choice quiz.

Retro Day Quiz

  1. Which of these iconic toys was a must-have in the 1980s?
    a) Furby
    b) Rubik's Cube
    c) Beanie Baby
    d) Yo-yo

  2. What 1980s movie featured a group of kids who encounter an alien?
    a) The Goonies
    b) E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
    c) Back to the Future
    d) Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

  3. Which music genre heavily used synthesizers and defined much of the 1980s sound?
    a) Grunge
    b) Hip-hop
    c) Synth-pop
    d) Heavy Metal

  4. What was the name of the popular arcade game where you controlled a yellow character eating dots and avoiding ghosts?
    a) Donkey Kong
    b) Space Invaders
    c) Pac-Man
    d) Tetris

  5. What fashion accessory was a staple of the 1980s, often worn scrunched around the ankles?
    a) Scrunchies
    b) Leg warmers
    c) Fingerless gloves
    d) All of the above

  6. Which 1970s disco track is synonymous with Saturday nights?
    a) "Dancing Queen" (ABBA)
    b) "Stayin' Alive" (Bee Gees)
    c) "I Will Survive" (Gloria Gaynor)
    d) "Le Freak" (Chic)

  7. What popular toy of the 1970s was a handheld pet that required feeding and care?
    a) Tamagotchi
    b) Pet Rock
    c) Cabbage Patch Kids
    d) Slinky

  8. Which groundbreaking science fiction film, released in 1977, introduced the world to Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker?
    a) Close Encounters of the Third Kind
    b) Star Wars (Episode IV: A New Hope)
    c) Alien
    d) Blade Runner

  9. What dance craze swept the world in the 1960s, often imitated by twisting your body and arms?
    a) The Twist
    b) The Mashed Potato
    c) The Watusi
    d) The Swim

  10. What iconic 1950s fashion item was a circular felt skirt, often adorned with a poodle?
    a) Pencil skirt
    b) Poodle skirt
    c) Swing skirt
    d) A-line skirt
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