It's February 7th and it's International Pizza Day
Event Description
7 лютого. Міжнародний День піци
Цей день присвячений найвідомішій італійській страві, яка виникла у Неаполі у XVIII столітті. У 1889 році було створено піцу "Маргарита" на честь королеви Італії. Піца символізує гастрономічну творчість і є одним із найулюбленіших смаколиків у світі.
Слово дня: “СМАЧНО" - з апетитом, охоче.
Піца являється однією з моїх улюблених страв, яка об’єднує всіх за столом, сьогодні було дуже смачно.
The word of the day: crust (noun) /krʌst/
Meaning: the outer edge or base of a pizza.
Example: I love a pizza with a crispy crust.
Your MINI-TASK is to watch an episode from Little Italy movie and do the quiz.
Little Italy Movie
1. What does Nicole have to do in order to get the job?
A. Change her visa
B. Move to a new city
C. Speak a different language
D. Get more experience
2. Why does Nicole feel that "Little Italy is not big enough" for her?
A. She wants to live in a larger city
B. She is bored with the small community
C. She doesn't like the Italian culture
D. She feels restricted by the small town
3. What does the phrase "if you want it you have to put a ring on it" suggest?
A. The need for a formal commitment in a relationship
B. The importance of buying expensive jewelry
C. The tradition of engagement rings in Little Italy
D. The desire for financial security in a relationship
4. Why does Nicole's father consider her relationship with Vince's son to be a "highest form of treason"?
A. Their families are longtime rivals
B. They come from different social classes
C. Their relationship is forbidden
D. They are not of the same ethnicity
5. What does the phrase "you can take the girl out of little Hitler but you can't take Little Italy out of the girl" suggest about Nicole?
A. She is unable to adapt to life outside of Little Italy
B. She is proud of her Italian heritage and identity
C. She is struggling to find her place in the world
D. She is torn between her past and her future