It's December 29th and it's Cello Day

It's December 29th and it's Cello Day

Event Description

29 грудня. Міжнародний день віолончелі

Віолончель - струнний смичковий музичний інструмент із чотирма струнами, налаштованими для ідеальної гармонії. Класична музика подобається на всім, декого гра віолончелі захоплює, а декому вона не до вподоби, але звучання цього інструменту не залишить байдужим нікого.

Слово дня: “ПОКЛАСТИ НА МУЗИКУ" -  написати музичний твір на який-небудь текст.

Чи кожну поезію можна покласти на музику?

The word of the day:  call the tune (idiom) /kɔːl ðə ˈtjuːn/

Meaning: a to be in charge or control of a situation or activity.

Example: As the manager, she calls the tune when it comes to decision-making.

Your MINI-TASK is to do a Cello Day Quiz and find out how much you know about this fascinating instrument.

Quiz: Interesting Facts About the Cello

  1. What family of musical instruments does the cello belong to?

    a) Woodwind

    b) Percussion

    c) String

    d) Brass

  2. What is the full name of the cello?

    a) Violoncello

    b) Cellonino

    c) Viocello

    d) Chellini

  3. How many strings does a cello have?

    a) 4

    b) 5

    c) 6

    d) 3

  4. Which of the following is NOT a part of the cello?

    a) Scroll

    b) Bridge

    c) Fretboard

    d) Tailpiece

  5. What is the cello primarily played with?

    a) Drumsticks

    b) Fingers

    c) Bow

    d) Mallet

  6. Which famous composer wrote six suites for unaccompanied cello?

    a) Ludwig van Beethoven

    b) Johann Sebastian Bach

    c) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    d) Antonio Vivaldi

  7. What material are cello strings typically made of today?

    a) Gut

    b) Nylon or steel

    c) Copper

    d) Plastic

  8. What is the approximate height of a standard cello?

    a) 2 feet

    b) 4 feet

    c) 6 feet

    d) 8 feet

  9. Which famous cellist is known for playing a Stradivarius cello?

    a) Yo-Yo Ma

    b) Itzhak Perlman

    c) Pablo Casals

    d) Anne-Sophie Mutter

  10. In which era did the cello gain prominence as a solo instrument?

    a) Baroque

    b) Renaissance

    c) Romantic

    d) Modern
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