It's December 29th and it's Cello Day
Event Description
29 грудня. Міжнародний день віолончелі
Віолончель - струнний смичковий музичний інструмент із чотирма струнами, налаштованими для ідеальної гармонії. Класична музика подобається на всім, декого гра віолончелі захоплює, а декому вона не до вподоби, але звучання цього інструменту не залишить байдужим нікого.
Слово дня: “ПОКЛАСТИ НА МУЗИКУ" - написати музичний твір на який-небудь текст.
Чи кожну поезію можна покласти на музику?
The word of the day: call the tune (idiom) /kɔːl ðə ˈtjuːn/
Meaning: a to be in charge or control of a situation or activity.
Example: As the manager, she calls the tune when it comes to decision-making.
Your MINI-TASK is to do a Cello Day Quiz and find out how much you know about this fascinating instrument.
Quiz: Interesting Facts About the Cello
- What family of musical instruments does the cello belong to?
a) Woodwind
b) Percussion
c) String
d) Brass - What is the full name of the cello?
a) Violoncello
b) Cellonino
c) Viocello
d) Chellini - How many strings does a cello have?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 3 - Which of the following is NOT a part of the cello?
a) Scroll
b) Bridge
c) Fretboard
d) Tailpiece - What is the cello primarily played with?
a) Drumsticks
b) Fingers
c) Bow
d) Mallet - Which famous composer wrote six suites for unaccompanied cello?
a) Ludwig van Beethoven
b) Johann Sebastian Bach
c) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
d) Antonio Vivaldi - What material are cello strings typically made of today?
a) Gut
b) Nylon or steel
c) Copper
d) Plastic - What is the approximate height of a standard cello?
a) 2 feet
b) 4 feet
c) 6 feet
d) 8 feet - Which famous cellist is known for playing a Stradivarius cello?
a) Yo-Yo Ma
b) Itzhak Perlman
c) Pablo Casals
d) Anne-Sophie Mutter - In which era did the cello gain prominence as a solo instrument?
a) Baroque
b) Renaissance
c) Romantic
d) Modern