
Programme for young leaders in USA

Washington Leadership Academy in business and diplomacy





Departure and arrival: June 28 - July 26, 2014

Price: $ 3,600


Age: 14 years old Duration of study: 4 weeks

Level of English: from pre-intermediate

Entry Requirements: Entrance test

Location: American University, Washington, USA

Number of hours of English: 15 hours. for a week

Accommodation: Accommodation in the campus in the rooms for 2 people. / Three meals a day

What is included in the program (Core program)?

• English course (General English + Communication Class - Level A2, B1) and accommodation in high-class campuses (residence on the campus of Washington and / or American universities)

• Transfer

• meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) *

• excursions and tickets

• disease and washing

• Internet

• use of library / sports hall / tennis court / pool

• familiarity with the US, Washington and Georgetown University

* If the program participants are involved in activities outside the campus, meals are organized by the Academy at the venue.

Additionally cplachuyuetsya $ 735, which includes:

• Travel to New York (students stop for two nights at the Yale Club, Manhattan - the most prestigious club for university graduates, daily tours

• Travel to Annapolis - the sea capital of the United States (traditional holiday crab Marilend, a trip on a yacht and workshops on the management of the National Maritime Academy;

• Visit New York University;

• A visit to Columbia University.

Sample schedules *

June 28 (Saturday): arrival at the airport .. Mr. Washington, transportation to the campus, located in the rooms. Dinner and west-familiarity.

June 29 (Sunday): familiarity with the campus and a tour of Washington for the day.

** The Academy has the right to change the date of the event as appropriate.


Sample schedule: the first week at the Academy from June 30 - July 6



07:30-8:15 Сніданок
08:15-08:30 Ранковий збір в Hall
08:30 - 10:00 First English Class Хайкінг і пікнік в Шенандоа — національний парк Екскурсія до району  Джоржтаун вздовж річки Патомак
10:15 - 11:45 Second English Class
12:00 -  13:00 Обід
14:30 - 17:30 Відвідання засідання Конгресу США
Відвідання Світового Банку
Пентагон Національна Галерея Мистецтва Святкування Дня Незалежності,національні пам'ятки
18:00 - 18:45 Вечеря
вечір Фестиваль голлівудського кіно (на території кампусу)
Концерт US Marine band біля монументу Другої Світової Війни
Час для виконання домашнього завдання, спорту, плавання в басейні Вистава в Центрі Мистецтв Wolf Trap Концерт з святкування Дня Незалежності та феєрверк Час для спорту і плавання в басейні Час для виконання домашнього завдання, спорту, плавання в басейні

Телефон для консультации и регистрации на программу +38 044 223 20 74, +38(098) 900-81-18

SARGOI english

Open up new horizons that fluency in English will reveal!

Our address

SARGOI International Community
03150, Kiev, Ukraine, Zagorodnaya str. 15, office 523
+38(098) 900-81-18

32300, Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Ukraine, Grushevskyi Ave. 21 V, 3rd floor
+38(097) 066-75-62

33028, Rivne, Ukraine, Slovatskogo str. 4/6, office. 244А
+38(068) 160-36-69

43000, Lutsk, Ukraine, 8, Kopernika str. 1
+38(050) 296-36-37

08136, Kryukovshchyna, Ukraine, ul. 1, office 68
+38(067) 808-81-82

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